10 things at 3 years- Maja

This time I’ve decided not to be stingy with my list, and give both of you the full ten. Here are yours.

Nice things

  1. You are sucking up information like a sponge and processing the world with your own logic. When we tell you you can’t run with a fork because we saw a picture on the internet of a kid who did that and had to have it surgically removed from his nose, you file the information away.  One day, we get into the tram and see a woman with a nose stud. Mummy, you say, that Pani mustabeen running with  a fork.
  2. You draw beautifully. Snails in a car, a snowman with a scarf, a beautiful graphic of a giraffe made of an L with 2 dots for eyes, bespectacled portraits of Daddy and Jaś. All entirely recognisable
  3. You are getting socially braver and don’t have to be bribed with cake to go to preschool on your own when Janek is sick.
  4. You ride your bike like a little professional, with madness and pure joy in your eyes.
  5. You have started to tell your own stories sometimes at bedtime. They inevitably contain a dog, and an adventure that ends with a nice warm cocoa (your words) and going to sleep.
  6. You recently took great pleasure in informing me that Babcia is Daddy’s mummy. I can see how this messes with your head and it’s so funny.
  7. You totally love books  and remember whole chunks of text after what seems to be a single read.
  8. You are eating by yourself quite happily with no coaxing . Though your choice of food is not always what I would wish for you.
  9. You are getting more and more attached to Marcin.
  10. You like making nonsense rhymes ( mummy-gummy is your favourite)

Less nice things

  1. Tantrums. In a word. At night, in the morning, in the middle of the day. Sometimes the things you want are so crazy that we have no choice but to do battle (for example when you threw yourself on the floor and kicked because you wanted to eat all the breakfast eggs for everyone by yourself.)
  2. You always want to have exactly what Janek has, and you’re not afraid to bite his ears off to get it. Your fights with him are getting incredibly violent.
  3. Wanting to be carried home from preschool because you don’t feel like walking or riding your bike.
  4. When we don’t have something you want and you say go to the shop and buy some.  It makes me want to lecture you for hours about children in Africa.
  5. The mess you make
  6. The late hour at which you deign to go to bed
  7. The way you demand that someone scratch your back for what feels like 5 hours before you will go to sleep. I hate scratching you.
  8. Watching you ride your bike down the hill as fast as you can, knowing you are going to fall off and being powerless to stop you.
  9.  Still worrying about your shyness, although you’re much more forthcoming than you were.
  10. Your erratic affections- when you scream all the way to our friend’s place in the taxi because you don’t want me sitting near you, but Marcin



Filed under language acquisition, motherhood, ten things, twins

6 responses to “10 things at 3 years- Maja

  1. Can you scan me a giraffe picture? I’m glad that she has inherited Marcin’s artistic talent rather than ours. I am not entirely convinced that her reticence is always shyness – on occasion, recently, I have felt myself pulling the exact jutting lipped,peering from under brows face that Maja pulls when she is resisting human interaction. You and Hugo do it too. I think that it indicates a desire to be left alone.
    Those bed-time stories are the purest form of lunacy. They make Hunter S Thompson look like a kindy reader.

  2. Renee

    I luv these posts Rose! Such a lovely concept! I’m sorry to say the fighting thing doesn’t seem to get better but the tantrums seemed to have lessened at my place! My boys are 5 in about 3 weeks, they still amaze me and I can’t believe how different two people that have 99.9% identical genome are!

  3. Pingback: Maja and Janek according to mummy | 12monthsinwarsaw

  4. She sounds a handful! 🙂 Knows her own mind, that’s for sure.

  5. I like my back scratched too 🙂
    I love three-year-olds. As long as they belong to someone else.

  6. Such a long time ago since mine were that age. Your post brings back almost forgotten memories.

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